

Chadron State College is committed to providing students, 员工, and guests with a safe and secure environment. 查德隆州立大学与查德隆警察局签订了一项协议,为校园提供一名校园资源官员和警察局的支持. 此外,校园还设有保安主管和保安人员.

校园安全 strives to work cooperatively with CSC 员工, engage with and educate students, enforce laws and policies, and reduce student fears.





安全办公室: 308-432-6037

Campus Resource Officer:
Office: 308-432-6040
Mobile: 308-430-4142

CSC 安全护航: 308-360-1887


Crime Statistics 信息 2023-2024

Parking 信息

Chadron Police Department and public safety information

Lockdown Procedures

在查德龙州立学院不断努力改善一个安全的校园社区中 ILoveUGuys Active Shooter program has been initiated. 使用一致的语言已被证明在加快对关键事件的反应方面是有效的.

  • This will be announced if a threat exists close to or on campus.
  • 当这个消息被宣布时,我们要求所有建筑物的外门锁上.
  • No one is allowed in during a lock-out.
  • 这将在威胁进入或已经进入校园建筑时宣布.
  • 消息宣布后,所有人都要到现在所在大楼的安全房间里.
  • Lock the room door, secure the door with anything you can find, barricade the door with items in the room.
  • Think about how you can defend yourself. Look around for possible weapons.
  • If you can safely get out of the building, do so.
  • Do not take time to gather your possessions.
  • 始终听从执法部门、校园安全部门和急救人员的命令.
  • This is not the time to question what is being asked of you.
  • Law enforcement does not know who the bad guy(s) or good guy(s) are.
  • They may ask you to raise your hands, crawl out, etc.
  • Expect yelling, loud noises, being grabbed, being searched, etc.
  • Let them do their jobs for everyone’s safety.
  • 这是针对与天气有关的事件,如龙卷风、严重雷暴等宣布的.
  • When this is announced you need to find a safe place in the building.
  • 本通告适用于火警、炸弹威胁、煤气泄漏等事件.
  • This order requires everyone to leave the building they are in.
  • Do this safely, but quickly.
  • Do not touch or pick up anything.

校园建筑的所有外门上都挂着巨大的银色反光号码. 这些数字被放在外门的右上角. Numbering follows a north-side, clockwise system. No. 1 is the first door on the north side, making No. 2 next as we move clockwise around a building. Stacked doors are numbered from the lowest door up. These numbers are to be used in the event of an emergency. 在紧急情况下,报告方应使用建筑物和最近的门号码.

Example: “Miller Hall door #1”





校园保安人员会乘坐有标志的车辆或步行巡逻校园物业. 警察对犯罪活动提供明显的威慑和积极的回应.


安全护送服务提供给所有校园的学生,员工和访客. 校园保安人员会24小时陪伴在校园物业内对独自行走感到不安的任何人, 一周7天.

Crime Prevention Services

校园安全部将提供教育、信息和鼓励预防犯罪技术的项目. The information and programs available include:

  • Student, parent, and employee orientation
  • Crime prevention techniques
  • Personal property security
  • Campus parking policies and enforcement
  • Active shooter campus procedures

校园设施的维护和安全是整个校园社区的责任. 管理人员负责管理学院的建筑和场地,以确保安全. Report irregular conditions, such as broken windows or locks, burned out lights, 或者其他危险, to 校园安全. Officers will respond promptly to safety and security concerns. 校园安全 will contact maintenance staff about each situation.


当被认为对校园社区成员构成持续威胁的严重犯罪发生时,会发布犯罪警报和犯罪报告. 在情况许可的情况下,信息可以通过以下方式提供给校园社区:

  • 电子邮件
  • Personal notification
  • 传单

Any person may report a crime or suspicious activity by contacting:

CSC 安全: 308-432-6037

Chadron Police Department: 308-432-0510


In case of an emergency, 事件涉及到一个人的人身安全或其他正在进行的犯罪拨打911或9-911从校园电话.

我们鼓励受害者向校园保安或查德隆警察局报告所有事件, regardless of how insignificant the crime may seem. 校园保安或警察将在任何时候回应,以满足受害者, 做个报告, investigate the incident, and provide assistance. 校园保安人员一直与查德隆警察局保持直接无线电联系.


Chadron州立大学是一个禁止酒精和毒品的校园, including resident housing and parking lots. 按照1989年《体育菠菜大平台》, the college’s policy along with federal, 状态, and local laws that regulate the possession, use and sale of alcohol and narcotics is published in the 学生手册.

Residential Facilities and 政策

校园保安与住宿生活主任和助理密切合作,确保安全的住宿校园体验. A Campus Resource Officer (CRO) has an office in Kent Hall. CRO是一名内布拉斯加州查德隆警察局的认证执法官员.

Weapons Possession

The possession or use of firearms, 烟花, 严禁在校园内携带爆炸物或其他致命武器,否则将受到刑事追究, as well as college disciplinary actions. 看到 学生手册 for specific weapons policies.


How do I obtain a parking permit?

Parking permit costs are included in a student’s tuition. 学生可以在位于Crites Hall的商务办公室领取停车许可证.

Does my parking permit allow me to park anywhere on campus?

不可以,学生只能根据车辆上的许可证在指定区域停车. No vehicles should park in Fire Lanes. Only vehicles with Handicap permits may park in Handicap spots. Parking permits do not allow parking in 访问or spots.

15-minute parking spots are monitored.



临时停车许可证可从位于斯帕克斯大厅的校园停车场获得, Room 113 at no charge. 临时停车许可证不允许在限制车位或预留车位停车.

Do my guests need a permit to park on campus?

是的. 临时停车许可证可从位于斯帕克斯大厅的校园停车场获得, Room 113 at no charge.


是的, these are enforced 24 hours a day, 一周7天.

I enjoy the outdoors and am a hunter. Can I bring my hunting weapon to campus?

No, weapons are not allowed on campus. 查德隆警察局提供了一个安全可靠的存储位置,供所有校园成员使用,校外也可以访问.

Are students allowed to work in the campus security department?


Will 校园安全 unlock my vehicle if I lock my keys in the car?

No, 校园安全 does not unlock vehicles. Contact the Chadron Police Department in this event.

Can I dispute a parking ticket?

是的. 门票可以通过联系位于斯帕克斯大厅113室的校园停车场来争夺.